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What are DSCR Loans?

DSCR (Debt Service Coverage Ratio) loans are a type of commercial real estate loan that focuses on the property's ability to generate income rather than the borrower's personal income. These loans are popular among real estate investors.

How does a DSCR Loan work?

DSCR loans work by evaluating the ratio of a property's net operating income to its debt service obligations. Lenders typically look for a DSCR of 1.25 or higher, meaning the property generates 25% more income than needed to cover the loan payments.

  • Calculate property's annual net operating income
  • Determine annual debt service (loan payments)
  • Divide income by debt service to get DSCR
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A closer look at DSCR Loans
Pros Cons
No income verification Higher credit score typically required
Fast approval process Asset verification
No max properties owned Must show that property will generate income
Experienced loan officers are loyal Experienced loan officers are hard to find
Is using a DSCR Loan a good idea?

DSCR loans can be an excellent option for real estate investors, particularly those with multiple properties or complex income situations. However, they're not suitable for everyone.

Who should consider a DSCR loan?
Experienced real estate investors
Those with multiple rental properties
Investors with complex income situations
Top DSCR Loan Companies

Lender A

Known for competitive rates and excellent customer service.

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Lender B

Offers flexible terms and a streamlined application process.

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Lender C

Specializes in DSCR loans for large commercial properties.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a DSCR loan?

A DSCR (Debt Service Coverage Ratio) loan is a type of commercial real estate loan that focuses on the property's ability to generate income rather than the borrower's personal income. It's commonly used by real estate investors for purchasing or refinancing investment properties.

How is the DSCR calculated?

The DSCR is calculated by dividing the property's net operating income (NOI) by its total debt service. For example, if a property has an NOI of $100,000 and annual debt payments of $80,000, the DSCR would be 1.25 (100,000 / 80,000).

What DSCR do lenders typically require?

Most lenders look for a DSCR of at least 1.25, meaning the property generates 25% more income than needed to cover the loan payments. However, this can vary depending on the lender and the specific loan program.

Are DSCR loans only for commercial properties?

While DSCR loans are commonly associated with commercial real estate, they are also available for residential investment properties, such as single-family rentals or small multi-family units.

What are the advantages of a DSCR loan?

DSCR loans offer several advantages, including:

  • No personal income verification required
  • Faster approval process
  • Ability to finance multiple properties
  • Potential for higher loan amounts based on property income

Are there any downsides to DSCR loans?

Some potential drawbacks of DSCR loans include:

  • Generally higher interest rates compared to traditional mortgages
  • Larger down payments may be required
  • The property must generate sufficient income to qualify
  • Stricter requirements for property condition and management